Продажна програма и Технички Карактеристики на Метали и Обоена Металугија
- носачи и профили со 18000 мм. - рамно и под агол. - лимови со дебелина од 0,5-12 мм..- со ножици .- лим до дебелина 30 мм.- со плазма.- лим до дебелина 250 мм.- автогено-округол челик до дијаметар 650 мм ги извршуваме следните сечења:
Цевки, лимови, носачи, профили и четвртасти челици.Обоени метали: месинг, алуминиум, бронза, бакар.
- не’рѓосувачки,- алатни.- за бетонирање .- не’рѓосувачки .- за цементација.- за цементација.- во подобрена состојба.- за подобрување.- за подобрување.- за автомати.- конструкциски.- конструкциски Валани челици: Влечени челици:видови на челик до дијаметар 400 мм и тоа:Во секој момент во магацинот се наоѓаат најбаранитетолеранција +/- 1мм.непречено да го исечеме секој материјал со дијаметар 450 мм, сово можност сме, со линиски пили за сечење челик и обоени метали,ленти употребуваме челични ножици.дебелина од 5-200 мм. За сечење на различни формати на ладно и топло валани најсложени облици.
Употребуваме технологија на автогено и плазма сечење во контролирани сечачи кои овозможуваат сечење на наједноставни и за кроење на топло валан лим користиме три современи нумерички Исто така, изведуваме и попречно сечење до максимална ширина 1500 мм.максимална влезна ширина на лентата од 1500 мм и 1000 мм.Сечењето на ладно валаните ленти го изведуваме на 2 линии за сечење сообработувачки машини, производите исто така површински и ги брусиме.материјали и цевки. Обработката на алатниот челик ја изведуваме на две CNC Меѓу нив се и 7 пили наменети за сечење на алатен челик, носачи, шипкасти производи ги преобликуваме во саканите димензии.
По желба на нашите купувачи со помош на нашите машини, металуршките Steel Прохром Центар и Он -лине Шоп
www.stainlesssteel.com.mk , www.inox.mk , http://www.elektrolux.mk , www.electrolux.com.mk
Поцинкувани лимови EN10143/EN10327
Поцинкувани ленти EN10143/EN10327
Динамо лим EN10106
Ладно валани лимови EN10131/EN10130Л
адно валани ленти EN10131/EN10140
Олово, калај ,метални гранулатиЦинк и цинкови легури EN1179
Бронза EN1982
Месинг EN1652/EN12164
Бакар и бакарни легури EN1172/EN1652/EN1057
Алуминиум и алуминиумски легури EN485-4/EN1386/EN755-3
Цевки EN10305-5/EN10217-7
Жица EN10270-3
Челици EN10278/EN10029
Лимови и ленти EN10259/EN10051
Алатни челици EN4957
Затворени градежни профили EN10305-5/EN10111
Цевни колена DIN2605/EN10253-1
Безрабни округли челични цевки EN10216-1
Овални,полуовалнии елиптични рабни прецизни цевки EN10305-3
Округли рабни прецизни цевки EN10305-2/ EN10305-3
Округли безрабни прецизни цевки EN10305-1
Квадратни,правоаголни и округли рабни цевки EN10305-5/EN10219
Жица EN10218-2/EN10270-1
Светло влечен шипкаст челик EN10278/EN10277-5
Топло валан шипкаст челик EN10060/EN10058
ШИПКАСТИ ЧЕЛИЦИ:Статик носачи DIN488-1
Арматурна мрежа DIN488-4/DIN488-1
Бетонски челик DIN488-2/EN10017
Полнети жици EN758
Спрејови за заварување Жици за лемење и заварување DIN8513
Прашоци и пасти EN760
Жици за варење EN440/EN10279
Електроди EN499/EN1600
Ладно обликувани профили EN10162/EN10025-2
Топло валани профили EN10056/EN10025-2
Топло валани носачи EN10034/EN10279
Топло валани дебели лимови EN10029/EN10025-2
Профилирани топло валани лимови од лента DIN59220/EN1025-2
Топло валани лимови од лента – лужени EN10051/EN10111
Топло валани лимови од лента – црни EN10051/EN10025-2
Топло валани ленти – лужени EN10051/EN10111
Топло валани ленти – црни EN10051/EN10025-2
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ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
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ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
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ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
ELECTROLUX OF MACEDONIA Import and distribution of inox materials as well as the purchase of inox waste and its export
to the countries of Western Europe.http://www.inox.mk
Низ разгранетата продажна мрежа.купувачи е наша насока кон која ги обликуваме понудите поволни цени, почит кон посебните потреби и желби на нашите Квалитетни производи, опремени со соодветна документација,и вниманието на нашите купувачи.на производите ја заслужуваат довербата Богатиот асортиман гарантира дека изборот и квалитетот повеќе од 30.000 металуршки производи.