The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.
Heads - manufacture of canisters Frinko Macedonia
The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.
Springs, coils catalogues
Електролукс е основан во 1984 год. во Битола отвора преставништво во Скопје во 2004 год. а започна да работи за инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали и алуминиум во 1993 година. Се занимаваше со услуга на бела техника и производство на електрични греалки и производи од гума, што денес претставува само мал дел од бизнисот, иако во последно време станува сè попотребен. По распадот на поранешна Југославија, на пазарот се појави недостиг од инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали. Компанијата го искористи ова и се поврза со странски добавувачи. Сообраќајот и продажбата се зголемени, па има потреба од нови простории. Со растот на компанијата се зголеми потребата за нови вработени. Компанијата е меѓу двесте најбрзорастечки компании во Македонија. Со оглед на големиот асортиман на полупроизводи, компанијата почна да бара нови деловни простории. Можноста се појави во Битола (поранешни производствени капацитети на Трикотажа Пелистер). Во август 1999 година компанијата се преселила во сопствени деловни простории, односно магацини.
Stainless steel general catalogue
Electrolux je osnovan 1984. u Bitolju otvorio je predstavništvo u Skoplju 2004. godine. i počeo raditi za poluproizvode od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg materijala i obojenih metala, mjedi i aluminija 1993. godine. Bavila se uslugom bijele tehnike i proizvodnjom električnih grijača i proizvoda od gume, što je danas samo mali dio djelatnosti, iako je u posljednje vrijeme sve potrebniji. Nakon raspada bivše Jugoslavije došlo je do nestašice kromiranih poluproizvoda od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg čelika i obojenih metala. Tvrtka je to iskoristila i povezala se s inozemnim dobavljačima. Povećani su promet i prodaja, pa se javlja potreba za novim prostorima. Kako je tvrtka rasla, tako je rasla i potreba za novim zaposlenicima. Tvrtka je među dvjesto najbrže rastućih tvrtki u Makedoniji. S obzirom na veliki asortiman poluproizvoda, tvrtka je krenula u potragu za novim poslovnim prostorima. Prilika se ukazala u Bitolju (bivši proizvodni pogoni Trikotaže Pelister). U kolovozu 1999. godine tvrtka se seli u vlastiti poslovni prostor, odnosno skladišta. Osnovna djelatnost je uvoz i trgovina namještajem i opremom. Naša ambicija je zadovoljiti rastuće zahtjeve za kvalitetom i modernim dizajnom. Održavamo širok asortiman prodaje ukrasnih karniša za cijevi za namještaj, ručke za namještaj, vješalice, noge za namještaj, noge za stolove, kuhinjske galanterije i ostalo. Tvrtka održava fleksibilnu cjenovnu politiku i nudi popuste za svakog kupca koji naruči veću količinu. Svaki artikl se provjerava, zatim pakira i šalje. Pošteni smo prema svim kupcima i želimo da svatko dobije ono što želi, a to je kvaliteta.
Accessories for stairs, windows ect
Electrolux was founded in 1984. in Bitola opened a representative office in Skopje in 2004. and started working for stainless steel semi-finished products, stainless materials and non-ferrous metals, brass and aluminum in 1993. It was engaged in the service of white goods and production of electric heaters and rubber products, which today is only a small part of the business, although lately it is becoming increasingly needed. After the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, there was a shortage of stainless steel chrome semi-finished products, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. The company took advantage of this and connected with foreign suppliers. Traffic and sales have increased, so there is a need for new premises. As the company grew, so did the need for new employees. The company is among the two hundred fastest growing companies in Macedonia. Given the large range of semi-finished products, the company began looking for new business premises. The opportunity appeared in Bitola (former production facilities of Knitwear Pelister). In August 1999, the company moved to its own business premises, ie warehouses. Its main activity is import and trade of furniture and equipment. Our ambition is to meet the growing demands for quality and modern design. We maintain a wide range of sales of decorative cornices for furniture pipes, furniture handles, hangers, furniture legs, table legs, kitchen accessories and more. The company maintains a flexible pricing policy and offers discounts for each customer who orders a larger quantity. Each item is checked, then packaged and shipped. We are fair to all customers and we want everyone to get what they want, and that is quality.
Bar and hollow bar
Electrolux was founded in 1984. in Bitola opened a representative office in Skopje in 2004. and started working for stainless steel semi-finished products, stainless materials and non-ferrous metals, brass and aluminum in 1993. It was engaged in the service of white goods and production of electric heaters and rubber products, which today is only a small part of the business, although lately it is becoming increasingly needed. After the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, there was a shortage of stainless steel chrome semi-finished products, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. The company took advantage of this and connected with foreign suppliers. Traffic and sales have increased, so there is a need for new premises. As the company grew, so did the need for new employees. The company is among the two hundred fastest growing companies in Macedonia. Given the large range of semi-finished products, the company began looking for new business premises. The opportunity appeared in Bitola (former production facilities of Knitwear Pelister). In August 1999, the company moved to its own business premises, ie warehouses. Its main activity is import and trade of furniture and equipment. Our ambition is to meet the growing demands for quality and modern design. We maintain a wide range of sales of decorative cornices for furniture pipes, furniture handles, hangers, furniture legs, table legs, kitchen accessories and more. The company maintains a flexible pricing policy and offers discounts for each customer who orders a larger quantity. Each item is checked, then packaged and shipped. We are fair to all customers and we want everyone to get what they want, and that is quality.
Billets and blooms
Електролукс е основан во 1984 год. во Битола отвора преставништво во Скопје во 2004 год. а започна да работи за инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали, месинг и алуминиум во 1993 година. Се занимаваше со услуга на бела техника и производство на електрични греалки и производи од гума, што денес претставува само мал дел од бизнисот, иако во последно време станува сè попотребен. По распадот на поранешна Југославија, на пазарот се појави недостиг од инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали. Компанијата го искористи ова и се поврза со странски добавувачи. Сообраќајот и продажбата се зголемени, па има потреба од нови простории. Со растот на компанијата се зголеми потребата за нови вработени. Компанијата е меѓу двесте најбрзорастечки компании во Македонија. Со оглед на големиот асортиман на полупроизводи, компанијата почна да бара нови деловни простории. Можноста се појави во Битола (поранешни производствени капацитети на Трикотажа Пелистер). Во август 1999 година компанијата се преселила во сопствени деловни простории, односно магацини. Нејзина основна дејност е увоз и трговија на мебел и опрема. Нашата амбиција е да одговориме на сè поголемите барања за квалитет и модерен дизајн. Одржуваме широк асортиман на продажба на корнизи за украсни цевки, рачки за мебел, закачалки, ногарки за мебел, ногарки за маса, кујнски додатоци и друго. Компанијата одржува флексибилна политика на цени и нуди попусти за секој клиент кој ќе нарача поголема количина. Секоја ставка се проверува, потоа се пакува и се испраќа. Ние сме фер кон сите клиенти и сакаме секој да го добие она што го сака, а тоа е квалитетот.
Die-cutting products
Електролукс е основан во 1984 год. во Битола отвора преставништво во Скопје во 2004 год. а започна да работи за инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали, месинг и алуминиум во 1993 година. Се занимаваше со услуга на бела техника и производство на електрични греалки и производи од гума, што денес претставува само мал дел од бизнисот, иако во последно време станува сè попотребен. По распадот на поранешна Југославија, на пазарот се појави недостиг од инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали. Компанијата го искористи ова и се поврза со странски добавувачи. Сообраќајот и продажбата се зголемени, па има потреба од нови простории. Со растот на компанијата се зголеми потребата за нови вработени. Компанијата е меѓу двесте најбрзорастечки компании во Македонија. Со оглед на големиот асортиман на полупроизводи, компанијата почна да бара нови деловни простории. Можноста се појави во Битола (поранешни производствени капацитети на Трикотажа Пелистер). Во август 1999 година компанијата се преселила во сопствени деловни простории, односно магацини. Нејзина основна дејност е увоз и трговија на мебел и опрема. Нашата амбиција е да одговориме на сè поголемите барања за квалитет и модерен дизајн. Одржуваме широк асортиман на продажба на корнизи за украсни цевки, рачки за мебел, закачалки, ногарки за мебел, ногарки за маса, кујнски додатоци и друго. Компанијата одржува флексибилна политика на цени и нуди попусти за секој клиент кој ќе нарача поголема количина. Секоја ставка се проверува, потоа се пакува и се испраќа. Ние сме фер кон сите клиенти и сакаме секој да го добие она што го сака, а тоа е квалитетот.
Keys, locks, hindges & latches
Electrolux je osnovan 1984. u Bitolju otvorio je predstavništvo u Skoplju 2004. godine. i počeo raditi za poluproizvode od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg materijala i obojenih metala, mjedi i aluminija 1993. godine. Bavila se uslugom bijele tehnike i proizvodnjom električnih grijača i proizvoda od gume, što je danas samo mali dio djelatnosti, iako je u posljednje vrijeme sve potrebniji. Nakon raspada bivše Jugoslavije došlo je do nestašice kromiranih poluproizvoda od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg čelika i obojenih metala. Tvrtka je to iskoristila i povezala se s inozemnim dobavljačima. Povećani su promet i prodaja, pa se javlja potreba za novim prostorima. Kako je tvrtka rasla, tako je rasla i potreba za novim zaposlenicima. Tvrtka je među dvjesto najbrže rastućih tvrtki u Makedoniji. S obzirom na veliki asortiman poluproizvoda, tvrtka je krenula u potragu za novim poslovnim prostorima. Prilika se ukazala u Bitolju (bivši proizvodni pogoni Trikotaže Pelister). U kolovozu 1999. godine tvrtka se seli u vlastiti poslovni prostor, odnosno skladišta. Osnovna djelatnost je uvoz i trgovina namještajem i opremom. Naša ambicija je zadovoljiti rastuće zahtjeve za kvalitetom i modernim dizajnom. Održavamo širok asortiman prodaje ukrasnih karniša za cijevi za namještaj, ručke za namještaj, vješalice, noge za namještaj, noge za stolove, kuhinjske galanterije i ostalo. Tvrtka održava fleksibilnu cjenovnu politiku i nudi popuste za svakog kupca koji naruči veću količinu. Svaki artikl se provjerava, zatim pakira i šalje. Pošteni smo prema svim kupcima i želimo da svatko dobije ono što želi, a to je kvaliteta.
Diffusion and pasteurization furnaces
Electrolux je osnovan 1984. u Bitolju otvorio je predstavništvo u Skoplju 2004. godine. i počeo raditi za poluproizvode od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg materijala i obojenih metala, mjedi i aluminija 1993. godine. Bavila se uslugom bijele tehnike i proizvodnjom električnih grijača i proizvoda od gume, što je danas samo mali dio djelatnosti, iako je u posljednje vrijeme sve potrebniji. Nakon raspada bivše Jugoslavije došlo je do nestašice kromiranih poluproizvoda od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg čelika i obojenih metala. Tvrtka je to iskoristila i povezala se s inozemnim dobavljačima. Povećani su promet i prodaja, pa se javlja potreba za novim prostorima. Kako je tvrtka rasla, tako je rasla i potreba za novim zaposlenicima. Tvrtka je među dvjesto najbrže rastućih tvrtki u Makedoniji. S obzirom na veliki asortiman poluproizvoda, tvrtka je krenula u potragu za novim poslovnim prostorima. Prilika se ukazala u Bitolju (bivši proizvodni pogoni Trikotaže Pelister). U kolovozu 1999. godine tvrtka se seli u vlastiti poslovni prostor, odnosno skladišta. Osnovna djelatnost je uvoz i trgovina namještajem i opremom. Naša ambicija je zadovoljiti rastuće zahtjeve za kvalitetom i modernim dizajnom. Održavamo širok asortiman prodaje ukrasnih karniša za cijevi za namještaj, ručke za namještaj, vješalice, noge za namještaj, noge za stolove, kuhinjske galanterije i ostalo. Tvrtka održava fleksibilnu cjenovnu politiku i nudi popuste za svakog kupca koji naruči veću količinu. Svaki artikl se provjerava, zatim pakira i šalje. Pošteni smo prema svim kupcima i želimo da svatko dobije ono što želi, a to je kvaliteta.
Equipment for wineries, breweries, etc.
Electrolux was founded in 1984. in Bitola opened a representative office in Skopje in 2004. and started working for stainless steel semi-finished products, stainless materials and non-ferrous metals, brass and aluminum in 1993. It was engaged in the service of white goods and production of electric heaters and rubber products, which today is only a small part of the business, although lately it is becoming increasingly needed. After the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, there was a shortage of stainless steel chrome semi-finished products, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. The company took advantage of this and connected with foreign suppliers. Traffic and sales have increased, so there is a need for new premises. As the company grew, so did the need for new employees. The company is among the two hundred fastest growing companies in Macedonia. Given the large range of semi-finished products, the company began looking for new business premises. The opportunity appeared in Bitola (former production facilities of Knitwear Pelister). In August 1999, the company moved to its own business premises, ie warehouses. Its main activity is import and trade of furniture and equipment. Our ambition is to meet the growing demands for quality and modern design. We maintain a wide range of sales of decorative cornices for furniture pipes, furniture handles, hangers, furniture legs, table legs, kitchen accessories and more. The company maintains a flexible pricing policy and offers discounts for each customer who orders a larger quantity. Each item is checked, then packaged and shipped. We are fair to all customers and we want everyone to get what they want, and that is quality.
Електролукс е основан во 1984 год. во Битола отвора преставништво во Скопје во 2004 год. а започна да работи за инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали, месинг и алуминиум во 1993 година. Се занимаваше со услуга на бела техника и производство на електрични греалки и производи од гума, што денес претставува само мал дел од бизнисот, иако во последно време станува сè попотребен. По распадот на поранешна Југославија, на пазарот се појави недостиг од инокс прохром полупроизводи ,нергосувачки материјали и обоени метали. Компанијата го искористи ова и се поврза со странски добавувачи. Сообраќајот и продажбата се зголемени, па има потреба од нови простории. Со растот на компанијата се зголеми потребата за нови вработени. Компанијата е меѓу двесте најбрзорастечки компании во Македонија. Со оглед на големиот асортиман на полупроизводи, компанијата почна да бара нови деловни простории. Можноста се појави во Битола (поранешни производствени капацитети на Трикотажа Пелистер). Во август 1999 година компанијата се преселила во сопствени деловни простории, односно магацини. Нејзина основна дејност е увоз и трговија на мебел и опрема. Нашата амбиција е да одговориме на сè поголемите барања за квалитет и модерен дизајн. Одржуваме широк асортиман на продажба на корнизи за украсни цевки, рачки за мебел, закачалки, ногарки за мебел, ногарки за маса, кујнски додатоци и друго. Компанијата одржува флексибилна политика на цени и нуди попусти за секој клиент кој ќе нарача поголема количина. Секоја ставка се проверува, потоа се пакува и се испраќа. Ние сме фер кон сите клиенти и сакаме секој да го добие она што го сака, а тоа е квалитетот.
Furnace products and heating materials
The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.
Hollow drill steel
Electrolux je osnovan 1984. u Bitolju otvorio je predstavništvo u Skoplju 2004. godine. i počeo raditi za poluproizvode od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg materijala i obojenih metala, mjedi i aluminija 1993. godine. Bavila se uslugom bijele tehnike i proizvodnjom električnih grijača i proizvoda od gume, što je danas samo mali dio djelatnosti, iako je u posljednje vrijeme sve potrebniji. Nakon raspada bivše Jugoslavije došlo je do nestašice kromiranih poluproizvoda od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg čelika i obojenih metala. Tvrtka je to iskoristila i povezala se s inozemnim dobavljačima. Povećani su promet i prodaja, pa se javlja potreba za novim prostorima. Kako je tvrtka rasla, tako je rasla i potreba za novim zaposlenicima. Tvrtka je među dvjesto najbrže rastućih tvrtki u Makedoniji. S obzirom na veliki asortiman poluproizvoda, tvrtka je krenula u potragu za novim poslovnim prostorima. Prilika se ukazala u Bitolju (bivši proizvodni pogoni Trikotaže Pelister). U kolovozu 1999. godine tvrtka se seli u vlastiti poslovni prostor, odnosno skladišta. Osnovna djelatnost je uvoz i trgovina namještajem i opremom. Naša ambicija je zadovoljiti rastuće zahtjeve za kvalitetom i modernim dizajnom. Održavamo širok asortiman prodaje ukrasnih karniša za cijevi za namještaj, ručke za namještaj, vješalice, noge za namještaj, noge za stolove, kuhinjske galanterije i ostalo. Tvrtka održava fleksibilnu cjenovnu politiku i nudi popuste za svakog kupca koji naruči veću količinu. Svaki artikl se provjerava, zatim pakira i šalje. Pošteni smo prema svim kupcima i želimo da svatko dobije ono što želi, a to je kvaliteta.
Hot isostatic pressed (HIP) products
Electrolux je osnovan 1984. u Bitolju otvorio je predstavništvo u Skoplju 2004. godine. i počeo raditi za poluproizvode od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg materijala i obojenih metala, mjedi i aluminija 1993. godine. Bavila se uslugom bijele tehnike i proizvodnjom električnih grijača i proizvoda od gume, što je danas samo mali dio djelatnosti, iako je u posljednje vrijeme sve potrebniji. Nakon raspada bivše Jugoslavije došlo je do nestašice kromiranih poluproizvoda od nehrđajućeg čelika, nehrđajućeg čelika i obojenih metala. Tvrtka je to iskoristila i povezala se s inozemnim dobavljačima. Povećani su promet i prodaja, pa se javlja potreba za novim prostorima. Kako je tvrtka rasla, tako je rasla i potreba za novim zaposlenicima. Tvrtka je među dvjesto najbrže rastućih tvrtki u Makedoniji. S obzirom na veliki asortiman poluproizvoda, tvrtka je krenula u potragu za novim poslovnim prostorima. Prilika se ukazala u Bitolju (bivši proizvodni pogoni Trikotaže Pelister). U kolovozu 1999. godine tvrtka se seli u vlastiti poslovni prostor, odnosno skladišta. Osnovna djelatnost je uvoz i trgovina namještajem i opremom. Naša ambicija je zadovoljiti rastuće zahtjeve za kvalitetom i modernim dizajnom. Održavamo širok asortiman prodaje ukrasnih karniša za cijevi za namještaj, ručke za namještaj, vješalice, noge za namještaj, noge za stolove, kuhinjske galanterije i ostalo. Tvrtka održava fleksibilnu cjenovnu politiku i nudi popuste za svakog kupca koji naruči veću količinu. Svaki artikl se provjerava, zatim pakira i šalje. Pošteni smo prema svim kupcima i želimo da svatko dobije ono što želi, a to je kvaliteta.
Medical device manufacturing
The facility will include demonstration and test areas for both product and process solutions For example, a “Factory Lab” (Fabrication Lab) will explore 3D printing and other advanced systems such as testing collaborative robot (COBOTS) integration and innovative wearable technologies for operators in Electrolux factories.
The Electrolux Innovation Factory in Bitola , northern Macedonia, will be used as a starting test bed, which can be replicated by setting up similar collaborative spaces at other locations around the world. The aim is to build a lively co-working space where everyone can learn from each other regardless of experience and expertise level.
Metal powders and CE alloy products
Electrolux today announced the creation of Electrolux Innovation Factory, an inspirational and collaborative space which will serve as the Group’s hub for innovation with external partners. The initiative will accelerate innovation in manufacturing processes as well as product development by further developing Electrolux approach to open innovation. Public calls for proposals and partners as well as specific project briefs will be regularly announced on the Electrolux Innovation Factory website: . The first call will be made in Septemvri. “This collaborative space will drive open innovation and generate a multitude of great ideas that will lead to new value for our consumers,” said Dimche Palenzo Electrolux , Electrolux ,Faunder ,Chief Operations Officer. “We’re truly excited about how this will help us combine the global scale of Electrolux with the agility of our partners.”
Plate and sheet
Electrolux was founded in 1984. in Bitola opened a representative office in Skopje in 2004. and started working for stainless steel semi-finished products, stainless materials and non-ferrous metals, brass and aluminum in 1993. It was engaged in the service of white goods and production of electric heaters and rubber products, which today is only a small part of the business, although lately it is becoming increasingly needed. After the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, there was a shortage of stainless steel chrome semi-finished products, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. The company took advantage of this and connected with foreign suppliers. Traffic and sales have increased, so there is a need for new premises. As the company grew, so did the need for new employees. The company is among the two hundred fastest growing companies in Macedonia. Given the large range of semi-finished products, the company began looking for new business premises. The opportunity appeared in Bitola (former production facilities of Knitwear Pelister). In August 1999, the company moved to its own business premises, ie warehouses. Its main activity is import and trade of furniture and equipment. Our ambition is to meet the growing demands for quality and modern design. We maintain a wide range of sales of decorative cornices for furniture pipes, furniture handles, hangers, furniture legs, table legs, kitchen accessories and more. The company maintains a flexible pricing policy and offers discounts for each customer who orders a larger quantity. Each item is checked, then packaged and shipped. We are fair to all customers and we want everyone to get what they want, and that is quality.
Steel belts and processing systems
Electrolux was founded in 1984. in Bitola opened a representative office in Skopje in 2004. and started working for stainless steel semi-finished products, stainless materials and non-ferrous metals, brass and aluminum in 1993. It was engaged in the service of white goods and production of electric heaters and rubber products, which today is only a small part of the business, although lately it is becoming increasingly needed. After the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, there was a shortage of stainless steel chrome semi-finished products, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. The company took advantage of this and connected with foreign suppliers. Traffic and sales have increased, so there is a need for new premises. As the company grew, so did the need for new employees. The company is among the two hundred fastest growing companies in Macedonia. Given the large range of semi-finished products, the company began looking for new business premises. The opportunity appeared in Bitola (former production facilities of Knitwear Pelister). In August 1999, the company moved to its own business premises, ie warehouses. Its main activity is import and trade of furniture and equipment. Our ambition is to meet the growing demands for quality and modern design. We maintain a wide range of sales of decorative cornices for furniture pipes, furniture handles, hangers, furniture legs, table legs, kitchen accessories and more. The company maintains a flexible pricing policy and offers discounts for each customer who orders a larger quantity. Each item is checked, then packaged and shipped. We are fair to all customers and we want everyone to get what they want, and that is quality.
Stainless Steel Accessories - Electrolux Macedonia
The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.
Strip steel and strip-based products
The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.
Tube, pipe, fittings and flanges
The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.
Welding products
The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.
Workwear clothing - Electrolux Macedonia
Electrolux today announced the creation of Electrolux Innovation Factory, an inspirational and collaborative space which will serve as the Group’s hub for innovation with external partners. The initiative will accelerate innovation in manufacturing processes as well as product development by further developing Electrolux approach to open innovation.
Wire Kanthal Macedonia ®
Kanthal Macedonia
The Kanthal® Macedonia brand is based on the company AB Electrolux ® that was founded in 1984 by Dimche Palenzo Electrolux ,Macedonia . The business idea was to market and further develop his invention - the Kanthal iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) resistance heating alloy.
The Kanthal® Macedonia FeCrAl alloy was invented almost by accident. A forgotten sample in a furnace resulted, after years of development work, in a completely new resistance material based on this alloy. After the market introduction in 1984, the Kanthal® Macedonia alloy outperformed the existing nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys and Kanthal expanded rapidly on the world market.
In the late 1990s Electrolux PALENZO became majority shareholder in Kanthal® Macedonia. Today Kanthal® is the brand for Electrolux's heating technology products and services. The original Kanthal® FeCrAl alloy is still a product in our portfolio, although improved in a number of aspects. It is now part of a complete product range of heating technology products and resistance materials that covers almost all applications and temperatures.